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Open Space Task Force 05-03-2004
                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of April 5, 2004

Meeting Called To Order:  5:32 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:02 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Carol Heffler, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Betty Osborne, Karl Reichle, Betty Warren

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Marcia Banach, Jim Snow

·       Minutes from the March 1, 2004 Open Space Task Force Meeting were unanimously accepted.  

·       Gantick informed the members that a line item of $75,000.00 was incorporated into the Town’s Capital Improvement Budget for procurement and/or maintenance of Town owned open space.  He also advised that approximately $1.2 Million is still available from the 1996 Open Space referendum.  

·       Botteron announced that the two signs designed and created by Parks and Grounds Department had been installed at Deming and Clark Streets and Ellington Road designating Wapping Park.

·       Gantick informed Warren that Jeff Folger, Inland/Wetlands Officer, is pursuing signage for the Wildlife Sanctuary.

·       Normen noted that the draft copy of the Town’s Naming Policy, drafted by the Town Council’s Naming Subcommittee, in effect, is similar to the Naming Policy drafted by the Open Space Task Force in March 2002.

·       Normen did note the new draft of the Town’s Naming Policy did not include a suitable waiting period to name a parcel after someone who was recently deceased, (to allow for the emotional aspect that may factor into choosing the name).

·       This new draft did not allow for public input.  He will bring this to the attention of Councilor Tom Delnicki, Chairperson of the Town Council’s Naming Committee.  

·       Normen attended a meeting, sponsored by the Historical Society, discussing brick making in Connecticut.  At one time, bricks were produced on what is now the Town owned property of Wapping Park.  Normen and Evans will gather facts on this matter for community interest and historical value.

·       Normen asked the Task Force if it would be acceptable to give a copy of our Open Space Master Plan to the Chairperson of the Canton, CT Open Space Committee.  It was unanimously agreed, and members wished to extend assistance to this Canton organization as they begin work on their Open Space Master Plan.

·       Reichle reviewed the outcome of the meeting with the residents abutting the Lawrence and Dart Hill Rd. areas.  Reichle ruled to select cut vegetation such as autumn olive.  This decision was unsatisfactory to the residents and it is now in the hands of the Connecticut Supreme Court.

·       The Task Force rated several properties on Main Street, owners are:  Nicholson, Clark, Shepard, and Speilman.  The property rated favorable.

Normen will draft a letter stating the ratings of the above property and will incorporate in the letter the advantages and cost effectiveness of property rights versus residential development.  At a later meeting this drafted letter will be reviewed by the Task Force at a later meeting.  The final copy of the letter will be transmitted to the Town Manager and Town Council.

*       Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for May 3, 2004 at 5:30 p.m.